Nikolaos A. Margioris contributed mostly to the formation, the presentation and the popularization of a modern Greek Metaphysic Philosophy, based on a comparative analysis of the most important international philosophical approaches in this mater, with corresponding Greek ones. In parallel, he presented his own essays and interpretations in vital Ontological and Eschatological matters. And he deposited systematically his views about the theoretical and practical ways by which the modern Greeks can redefine their spiritual course and evolution in the actual neo-Greek environment of the corruption and the full social break-up. This contribution of his is impressed also in his 189 writings and in his multisided and valuable saved oral stocks and teachings.
NIKOLAOS MARGORIS WAS BORN in 1913 in Samos and since a very young age, he settled in the Greek Community of Alexandria (GCA) that was flourishing those days. He lived for the most productive part of his life in Alexandria of Kavafis, where he laid himself to the multicultural civilization of the city. In parallel, he was for many years in India and in Tibet where he studied mainly the Buddhism, yoga and he trained in the meditation. In 1958 he returned in Greece where he developed and he spread his work.
IN EGYPT N. MARGIORIS laid himself to the mystical philosophy that Elena P. Blavatski (Helena Petrovna Blavatsky) proposed in her works Isis Unveiled and Mystic Teaching. Given that the oriental metaphysic views constitute the basis of the western mystical philosophy, and on his effort to comprehend the depth of the eastern philosophy, he got to India and to Tibet where he trained for many years in the ancient Brahmanism, in the Vedas and in the Upanishads of the Hinduism, in Raja, Gnani, Karma, Bhakti, Kriya and other Yoga, as well as in the footpath of the elders of the Buddhism. There he met his contemporary Jindou Krisnamurti (he lived in the United Kingdom, mostly). Often, they talked about the relation between the Theosophy and the new-orthodox mysticism. The catalytic effect of Krisnamurti in the early years of the master guided to his cooperation with Kostas Melissaropoulos, the defunct philosopher and theosophist. Later, he developed a different view in the matter of Krisnamurti’s work.
IN THE ANGLO-RULING PRE-WAR EGYPT, he got in the joint studies of the oriental philosophy and its progress to the European mysticism. He learned the Sanskrit language, the Arabic, the Hebrew, the Hieroglyphics, except the French and the English that all the Greeks of Egypt spoke. His first great master and guide was Krino de Kastro, the great Alexandrian Mystic, of father from Corfu and Hungarian mother, kin of List, the great composer. And his Indian master bore the name Baba.
AS A GREEK OTHODOX HE TRIED also to explore the bonds of the orthodox movement of the monasticism and of the mysticism in the deserts of Egypt of the 3rd and the 4th century after Christ, with the oriental metaphysic philosophy. Christoforos the B’, the blessed Patriarch of Alexandria, leaded him to these philosophical searches, he set him to work for some years, in the orthodox libraries of the Patriarchate of Alexandria and of the Monastery Saint Catherine, in the Sina desert. For many hours he conversed with his student at the time, he honored him with his friendship and he awarded the cross of Saint Marc to him, for his offer to the Church and to the Patriarchate of Alexandria and of all Africa. The same happened also with Nikolaos the 6th, the later blessed Patriarch.
HE ALSO KNEW AND ADOPTED the neo-pythagorism, the neo-platonism and he evolved to a fervent devotee of Iamvlichos and Porfyrios, the Greek Alexandrian neo-platonic philosophers, and most of all, of Ammonios Sakkas and his student Plotinos, who linked already from the 3rd century after Christ, the neo-platonism with the eastern philosophical searches. His love for these philosophers, and especially for Pythagoras, leaded him to open schools of their work, the OMAKOIOS “together we listen to a teaching”) in Alexandria (in 1946), in Athens (in 1976), in Lamia (in 1990), in Trikala (in 1992) and in other Greek cities. Already since the year 1972, he had created in Athens also the Association of Saint Patapios, in which since then he made free informative speaking, unfailingly. He slept in 1993 in Athens, having the good luck to be environed by plenty of students who spread, keep and analyze his oral and his written work.
N. Margori’s teaching consists in the harmonic coexistence of the ancient Greek, Egyptian and Indian philosophical views with the inner Christian tradition, through the filter of its personal actualization. In parallel, it offers accomplished personal answers with unprecedented analysis on the Cosmological-Ontological and to the Eschatological matter, being the corollary of his own “secret life”.
HIS WRITING WORK can divide in historian, ancient Greek and mystic, scientific books, in books of alternative therapeutics, of esoteric theology and philosophy, desymbolism of the Greek mythology, meditation, ancient Greek Asclepiad ensleeping, scientific spiritism, philosophy of the astrology, initiation etc.
AMONG THEM IT IS WORTHY TO NOTE the Two-volumes Metaphysical Encyclopedia, the Pythagorean Arithmosophy, the Elefsinian Mysteries, the Dravidian ancestors of the Greeks, Socrates, Minos, Hatha Yoga, Kriya, Karma and Raja Yoga, the Pharaos Akenaton and Toutachamon, with learning method of the Hieroglyphics, the chiroplastic Therapeutic Siatsu, the Psychotherapeutics, the Birth and the Death of the Worlds, the Posthumous Life, the Mystic Teaching, Patapios, the Christo-centric Mysticism, the other side of Dainiken’s dogma, and many others (www.omakoio.gr). Even, only just 16 years after his physical end, there are many writers and thinkers who have consulted and drawn material from his writings and who make a special mention about him in their bibliography. Already his books are being translated in the English language.
HE LEFT BEHIND HIM A PRODIGIOUS and diachronic wealth of stocks (theoretical and practical), for study and exploitation. And if there were the possibility for them to be printed in relative writings, then they would probably tend to approach all what it is estimated that Adamantios Orighenis wrote. Indeed, for the keeping, the preservation and the promotion of all this valuable material, the representatives of his work and his students, think out to establish an ACADEMY for the study and the spread of his work.
HIS PHILOSOPHICAL AND PRACTICAL WORK is being continued by the Omakoios schools that he founded, as well as by the newer Schools that were established after his death everywhere in Greece, while his writings are being promoted by his physical inheritors. Finally, his students and his representatives, in parallel with his educational work, continue the edition of newer writings, based on his own oral stocks and teachings.
Nikolaos A. Margioris was a knowledgeable of the eastern religions, comprising the Hinduism and the Buddhism, as well as the modern Esoteric Philosophy and the Metaphysics and the determinative interaction of them with the Classical Greek and Hellenistic Education, and with the contemporary movements of the Orthodoxy, like those of the monastic mysticism and others.
The philosophical system that he created is first Greek-centric and is based on a full and experiencing esoteric metaphysic education, based on the “fastening” of these philosophical systems in a flowing unity. He popularized the richness of this knowledge in a modern, explanatory, simple and absolutely flowery word.
He believed that every fellow can connect with the roots of his existence and of his deeper self, using a system of meditation based on the classical Socratic reflection, the absolute concentration of the Hindus, the Christocentric Mysticism, and in newer psychoanalytical data, all linked with the idiosyncrasy and the individuality of every man.
He himself describes this work in 189 philosophical and practical writings of his (34 books, 34 special essays, 49 issues of the magazine Omakoio and 7 discourses of metaphysic courses, each constituted of 10 – 11 separate lessons).
Also note particularly that his saved oral stocks form an exceptionally important and deserving wealth of philosophical and practical material, still remaining unexploited.
Deposit us the opinions from the study of books of Nikolaos Margioris, from acquaintance that you had with him or with his students and that other by any chance experience of apprenticeship or contact existed with him, even from hearings third person that were reported in the life and in the work of N. Margioris.
We hope the present step becomes one still digester of all that they knew indirectly or immediately the N. Margioris and were helped with anyone way from That or have something to deposit for this and his work.
You we beforehand thank for your attendance and we hope the present page it constitutes a step for meeting of all that they came in contact with him and they wish they deposit the experience or their opinion or simply they are informed for the life and his work.
BLOG - ΑΦΙΕΡΩΜΑ στον σύγχρονο Έλληνα Μύστη ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟ Α. ΜΑΡΓΙΩΡΗ (1913-1993). Ο Νικόλαος Μαργιωρής υπήρξε σύγχρονος βιωματικός νεοπυθαγόρειος και νεοπλατωνικός μεταφυσικός δάσκαλος, ιδρυτής των Ομακοείων Αθηνών, Λαμίας και Τρικάλων και χριστοκεντρικός και χριστοκρατικός μυστικιστής. Μέσα σε 23 χρόνια (1970-1993) συνέγραψε περί τα 189 εσωτερικά, πρακτικά και πνευματικά συγγράμματα και δίδαξε επί σειρά 35 ετών (1958-1993) την Εσωτερική Αλήθεια στην Ελλάδα.
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Καταθέστε μας τις απόψεις από την μελέτη των βιβλίων του Νικολάου Μαργιωρή, από γνωριμία που είχατε μαζί του ή με μαθητές του και όποια άλλη τυχόν εμπειρία μαθητείας ή επαφής υπήρξε μαζί του, ακόμα και από ακούσματα τρίτων που αναφέρθηκαν στη ζωή και στο έργο του Ν. Μαργιωρή.
Είθε το παρόν βήμα να γίνει ένα ακόμα χωνευτήρι όλων όσων γνώρισαν έμμεσα ή άμεσα τον Ν. Μαργιωρή και βοηθήθηκαν καθοιονδήποτε τρόπο από Εκείνον ή έχουν κάτι να καταθέσουν γι' αυτόν και το έργο του.
Σας ευχαριστούμε εκ των προτέρων για τη συμμετοχή σας και ευελπιστούμε η παρούσα σελίδα να αποτελέσει ένα βήμα για συνάντηση όλων όσων κοινώνησαν μαζί του και επιθυμούν να καταθέσουν την εμπειρία ή τη γνώμη τους ή απλά να ενημερωθούν για την ζωή και το έργο του.