BLOG - ΑΦΙΕΡΩΜΑ στον σύγχρονο Έλληνα Μύστη ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟ Α. ΜΑΡΓΙΩΡΗ (1913-1993). Ο Νικόλαος Μαργιωρής υπήρξε σύγχρονος βιωματικός νεοπυθαγόρειος και νεοπλατωνικός μεταφυσικός δάσκαλος, ιδρυτής των Ομακοείων Αθηνών, Λαμίας και Τρικάλων και χριστοκεντρικός και χριστοκρατικός μυστικιστής. Μέσα σε 23 χρόνια (1970-1993) συνέγραψε περί τα 189 εσωτερικά, πρακτικά και πνευματικά συγγράμματα και δίδαξε επί σειρά 35 ετών (1958-1993) την Εσωτερική Αλήθεια στην Ελλάδα.
Τρίτη 30 Νοεμβρίου 2010
Translation in English of the presentation of the person and the work of the modern Greek experiencing philosopher Nikolaos A. Margioris by his student Ilias L. Katsiampas in the Greek magazine of the esoteric search «Avaton», issue September - October 2002.
Continuing the presentation of the Greek Initiates, that is of those men who played an important role in the area of the spiritual search in Greece, the magazine “Avaton” presents in this issue a charismatic and talented person: Nikolaos A. Margioris. Ilias Katsiampas, the student of Nikolaos Margioris for many years, speaks about the personality and the rich work of his master that -according to him, himself- his teaching consists in the harmonious coexistence of the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Indian mysteries with the inner Crhistian tradition…
Nikolaos A. Margioris constitutes one of the greatest and most prominent physiognomies of the 20th century, who had a universal prestige and radiation in the area of the esotericism (occultism ad mysticism). It is about a not only granted but also a fully experiencing metaphysical omniscientist-Master who was characterized as the «Patriarch of the Greek Metaphysics» in a relevant interview in the magazine Third Eye, issue 20, December 1992, in his first and last public presence.
Let us note that Nikolaos A. Margioris, the modern experiencing philosopher and spiritual master, was shown 60th among the 100 Great Greeks of all the times in the scopes of the vote that the televisual station SKY curried out for our country (Greece) and for the homogenous of abroad. The determinate presentation took place in the airings of SKY that showed on the 16 & 23-2-2009. On May 2009 from the televisual station itself, a three-volume work was published that comprises the 100 Great Greeks with an analytical presentation of 1500 words for each of them separately. Also, some DVDs spread with the televisionary presentation of the 100 Great Greeks.
Undoubtedly, he was a rare in charisma and unfamiliar in dynamism and production of work, esoteric personality, that straddled much noiselessly the threshold of Greece, by delivering the quintessence of his completed spiritual experiences that is «synopsized» on the one hand in a multidimensional modern Greekchristianic metaphysical writing work that surpasses the 189 writings, on the other hand, in an «endless» tradition of oral knowledge.
Nikolaos Margioris was born on December 15th, 1913, in Samos, at the Vourliotes village and he died at the age of 80 years in the 6th of May 1993, in Athens, where he had lived for the last 35 years.
He was instructed in India and in Thibet for almost 13 years. He lived with his relatives for many years in Alexandria of Egypt, where he studied and made a carrer. He was married to Laitsa Papandreou with whom he got two children, Andreas and Kallia.
He participated in the B’ World War as a reserve officer, where he was seriously wound in El Alamein and then, he went to Rimini. For his services to the country he was honored with many medals (among which the Grand Cross decoration) and with the pension of the crippled officer. He was also honored twice with the cross of Saint Marc for his offer to the Church and to the religion by the patriarchs of Alexandria, Christoforos and Nikolaos the 6th.
Except the Greek language (and the ancient Greek), that for the needs of expression of the metaphysics, he created enough new words which he used in his writing, he knew perfectly the Sanskrit, Arabic, Hebrew, English, French, and the hieroglyphic writing.
He considered the metaphysics as the unique Truth and he believed that man can accomplish the Truth as Socrates accomplished it, by his famous reflection (dharana–concentration) or through the religious mysticism (christocentric and christocratic mysticism).
All his teachings, books, essays, the magazine, the branches of studies of the Esotericism, come and derive from his deep esoteric and mystic experiences (nirguna samadhi-theosis).
From his young age (13 years), he was communicate of these transcendental situations, which he managed to transform and to afford to his students and to the world, for knowledge, advice, use, therapy and personal experience of anyone corresponding.
His philosophical approaches on the Creation, on the Truth (God), on the visible perceptible and on the invisible not perceptible laws that rule the universe and the life, in general, are provided in a single simplicity, detail, analysis and discernment and still with new esoteric revelations. For the first time, he delivered an accomplished and complete occultist and mystic consideration of the Omnicreation.
He himself expressed a hyperactivity and a dynamics that no obstacle nor illness bent (at least twice he had passed from the death). He continually guided, instructed, exemplified in his way, constituting – at least for his students – a standard that is condensed in the phrase «perfect man and perfect spirit». His belief was out of advertisements and proselytisms and certainly, in an absolute respect to the freedom of everyone approaching-searcher.
He was a faithful «soldier» of Jesus Christ, of the «true Ravi Christ» Whose the work and the teaching he was always following, by vivifying for one more time in our society of today.
In the course of the first years of esoteric search, he chanced of rare and capable masters, who contributed at the greatest in his rapid and well-balanced awakening. Except his parents, his first master in the esoteric philosophy was his grandather Manolis Aggelinaras, a prominent physiognomy of Samos with studies in the Great School of the Gender of Chalki, and parallel his grandmother, a deeply religious woman who nursed him and directed him in his Christian faith.
His two esoteric natural masters who orientated him in the depth of the spiritual life, were Krino Andre Salvatore De Castro, a Greek from Odessus of Russia, music-writer and composer, and Indian Baba (he has not any relation with alive Satia Sai Baba, who happened to be one of the students of the circle of 100 children that some moment Margioris had under his responsibility in India. He also had esoteric contacts with many great masters, among whom we suggestively only mention Saint Patapios (according to Margioris, he is who wrote the pseudepigrahs of Dionissios the Areopagite that were translated by Erighena in 850 after Christ, in Latin and transmitted the flame of the mysticism in Europe), Ramakrishna, Pythagoras, and Elena Petrovna Blavatski with whom he talked often and called her “his mother” etc.
From 1958, when he returned to Greece from Alexandria of Egypt where he lived, he fought, working in two works (morning – afternoon), to earn his living and to live his family of many members. And at the same time, in the evenings he was guided to many spiritual movements of Greece, in which he did not cease for a moment to teach the esoteric truth of life.
In the 1976, the proper moment had come. He founded in Athens the New Pythagorean Philosophic School under the title Omakoio of Athens (from the omou= together, we hear an esoteric-spiritual teaching or also we hear the OM, the holy supreme sound), in which he taught thoroughly and systematically for 17 continual years, Esoteric Philosophy – Theology, the systems of the Esoteric Therapeutics and the practices (methods) of Yoga and of the Mysticism.
In the last years of his life he inaugurated two more esoteric schools, the Omakoio of Lamia (1990) and of Trikala (1992), of his students Dimitris and Koula Tsapara and Ilias Katsiampas, respectively. After his metastasis, his assistant Smaro Kosmaoglou undertook the Omakoio of Athens, while also many new Omakoios functioned little by little.
A general unprejudiced view of everyone seriously occupied with the esoteric area on Margiori’s work is orientated in that we have to do with an unprecedented and innovating Greek presence in the area of the Esoterism and not only, that undoubtedly constitutes an invaluable chapter for Greece and more generally.
He himself, as we mentioned above, in his unique (first and last interview, some months before his physical death, by revealing himself, declared Christ centric and Christocratic mystic.
In general, Margiori’s teaching does not carry neither promises any salvation of new type in the humanity. It simply «revives» and mixes at an important extent – through the personal «filter» of his accomplishment, in the basis of the modern reality and necessity – the ancient Greek initiation, the Indian initiation and finally, the Christian inner initiation in a harmonious «coexistence» and «co-course» of possibilities and opportunities, that starts from the personal need for the covering of the searches of every man, separately.
But, beyond all the aforementioned, what is different par excellence in his teachings and in his writings, is that he gives a personal, absolutely his own answer, to the great subject of every times, the cosmological and the eschatological (Apocalypse of N. Margioris).
His mystic soul reveals its experiences and it tries to give the reply by means and organ the mind and the pen for the hyperintellectual and the hyperconscious facts. On the basis of these, an eternal creative cycle is unrolled, that the Word coordinates and creates, which in the human language is called Jesus Christ.
His full spiritual vision (his mystic life), the duration of which touched the 30 days, is stamped in many of his books, like Birth and Death of the Worlds and of the Beings, Esoteric Philosophy, Posthumous Life, The Creation of the Worlds and others (see in the Internet, on the website:, for the first time in public in an incomparable confidence for all the stages of the Creation, the laws that rule it, the hyperbeings that govern internally and the one principle of everything. Birth, Maintenance, Death, and Absence of every Expression give a hyperpanoramic, unexampled in depth and in analysis inexhaustible present, which is useful that it comes in knowledge of every seriously occupied with the esoteric reality.
Undoubtedly, he offered in many ways to the country, to the religion, to the esotericism and above all, to the universal spiritual civilization, through the unprecedented and immense inner wealth of his work. By expressing a personal estimation from his experience of ten years beside him, we would say that Nikolaos Margioris was a man who contained in the «whole» the depth of the occultist greatness of the Creation, mixed and crowned with the mystic experience that constitutes a fellowman who is titled as initiate (occultist and mystic).
In any case, definitely, we should point out that only the personal touch with the total of his writing work (189 writings) and at an extent, with his oral deposits, can give someone the central idea that is included in the face and the experience of Margioris and extrapolate hi own conclusions out of the approaches of anybody, and certainly, also our own.
Margiori’s basic belief was that only the abundant and systematic teaching of the Esoteric Education (occultism and mysticism) in every direction, will reinforce the mechanisms of defense of our society (and of ourselves) that by the time will appreciate and will prefer the quality from the quantity, the knowledge from the ignorance, even the experience from the blind faith or «served» half smatter that leads to the purposeful misleading and to the traducement of every healthy qualitative philosophic system, enchorial or foreign.
In this context, he expected and he worked not only for the future presence of the third Greek – spiritual – civilization that will … «prevail» some further moment, universally, but above all for the esoteric cultivation and finally, the spiritual deliverance of every man.
Indeed for this, he delivered so many idealized and revelatory knowledge and completed practical outlets that their partial reformation only as an exploit could be characterized, much more their devotion and finally their application by all those who will pursue and will insist to approach actually their high points.
He still considered that the spiritual deposits of the civilizations of the Indians, Egyptians and Greeks, and many branches of them in all the world, have common roots of origin from our ancestors, PreGreeks of the Aegean Sea, those before the Pelasghi, who were called Dravidians, opponents of the Atlantins, as they derived antediluvian and postdiluvian from their mother hearth-source, the larger area of the Mediterranean basin.
Today, the total of his activities and his teachings, as well as the provision of his writings are continued unfailingly by the Schools-Omakoios that he himself founded.
ILIAS L. KATSIAMPAS is a journalist, graduate of the physical training, writer and publisher. He was for ten years the student of Nikolaos A. Margioris and he is responsible of the esoteric-philosophic schools Omakoios of Trikala and Thessaloniki. He lives and works in Trikala (Greece). Web Site:,
The «Esoteric Key»
Within 23 years of writing metaphysical activity (1970-1993), Nikolaos Margioris produced a many-sided work, which included 34 books of a clearly esoteric content, 34 special essays on different important esoteric matters and the circulation of the first bimonthly pure metaphysical magazine in Greece, under the title Omakoio (49 issues).
He also created a branch of studies by correspondence course, under the name «Esoteric Key». In this, his students are taught in a deep esoteric analysis, theoretical and practical, the following lessons: Meditation, Esoteric Therapeutics, Hypnotism-Orthopsychism, Scientific Spiritualism. Esoteric philosophy, Esoteric Initiation, Astrology-Astrosophy and Desymbolism.
Every three months, he effected seminars of Shiatsu (and Esotericism) of many days, in which he himself taught, not only Shiatsu, but a plenty of other esoteric therapeutic systems, among which his own discoveries with excellent therapeutic results.
From 1972, he founded the Association «The pious pilgrims of the Unbuild Light, Saint Patapios», in which he made. Free speeches, in various esoteric subjects.
All his teachings and his activities took place in his seat, in the spiritual philosophic laboratory, which from its founding, in 1976, he called Omakoio of Athens, in the honor and memory of the Omakoio that Pythagoras, first created in Kroton of South Italy.
Some of his works are: Desymbolism of the Greek Mythology, Dravidians, the Ancestors of the Greeks, Elefsinian Mysteries, Pythagorean Arithmosophy, Asclepiea and Amfiaraia, Reincarnation, Birth and Death of the Worlds, Posthumous Life, Esoteric Philosophy, Mystic Teaching (three volumes), Occultism (three volumes), Esoteric Therapeutics, Esoteric Initiation, Christocentric and Christocratic Mysticism, Raja Yoga, Metaphysical Encyclopedia of two volumes, etc. They are diachronic books, and a source of inspiration for every thinking being and particularly for those who search the depth and the expression in a physical word of the direct experiencing acquaintance but also of all those practical means of esoteric development that the modern man needs vitally.
His books have already started be translated in the English language.
I. K.
Esoteric Physiotherapeutic Discoveries
Some of his mild physiotherapeutic discoveries, through his experience and his deep esoteric knowledge, that he mentions analytically in his books and in which he instructed his students, are:
1.From the left palm of the hand he gave the main endings that correspond to definite internal organs of the human body.
2.Fingertapping. A most rapid therapeutical method of irritation thewhole organism,, of the cells and of the endocrinal glandsk for the provision of new secretions of hormones and remedy of the ill.
3.Glossotherapy. By special kneadings-massage, proper pullings of the tongue that have a direct influence on the muscular and nervous system and in all the organism, for the reinstatement and the therapy.
4.He revived the ancient Greek Aesculapian massaging that Aesculapius, the father of the medicine, invented and applied in the ancient times, in the healthy institutions of the ancient Greece (Asclepieia-Amfiaraeia).
5.Substituted therapeutics. By the hetero-suggestion or the self-suggestion.
6.Ensleeping or otherwise Hypnotism – Orthopsychism or Technical Sleep, three scientific completed methods.
7.Religious pathetic supplication beside the ill.
8.Japanese Shiatsu – Fingertapping.
9.Methodical irritation of all the endocrine glands (tsakra) and therapy.
10.Bioenergetic influence on the 33 vertebras of the spine, for the confronting of 193 eponymic diseases of the human body.
11.Static Therapeutics by the hands-palms.
12.Kinetic Therapeutics by the hands-palms.
13.Reflexology or reflexive zonotherapy.
14.Iconoplastic therapy from near or from far.
15.Hectoplasmatic effusions-blowing on.
16.Mantramotherapeutics. Therapeutics by words of power.
17.Transfusion of energy of healthy vibrations.
18.Following of litanies or of liturgies.
19.Holy enthusiasm. Reinforcement of the unshakable faith to any ideal or belief that vibrates man internally and creates presuppositions of ascent of his vibrations for the reinstatement of his health.
20. Kriya Yoga, method of somatopsychic therapeutics. It includes bodily exercises-positions, in combination with special breathings for the vivification-therapy of the body and noetic exercises of comparison for the release of man from every kind of repelled, phobias, habits, passions, etc. The revival an d the presentation in a universal level, by same (see his relevant writing).
21.Kuntalinotherapy. By the inhalations of Kundalini or also by its awakening.
22.Raja Yoga, 8 stages-steps up of self-therapy of the body and the mind (scientific-psychological method).
23.Mixture-Combination of many of the above systems.
These are some of the most important and most effective harmless esoteric-physiotherapeutic systems that on occasion he revived or discovered and applied for a series of years, successfully.
Except the teachings of the therapeutic systems, he himself effected therapies, as well as those of his students who had been instructed. Parallel a school of Kriya Yoga functioned, as well as a school of slimming, by the system of the Atmoliquefaction (his own invention based on the knowledge and on the application of Yoga).
He himself taught, except the Raja Yoga, all the systems of Yoga, as well as Esoteric Philosophy and Theology (occultism and mysticism).
Also, recently we gave an interview that is gusted at the website of the (
At your disposal for any further detail or clarification you may need.
P.S.: Those who are interested in Nikolaos Margiori’s work and particularly in the possibility of its publication in the English language, are requested to communicate with Ilias Katsiampas, at the address: 21 Kefallinias str., 42100 Trikala, Greece. Tel. and Fax: 0030-24310-75505 or mobile: 0030-6974-580768.
Web Site: http//
1 σχόλιο:
Καταθέστε μας τις απόψεις από την μελέτη των βιβλίων του Νικολάου Μαργιωρή, από γνωριμία που είχατε μαζί του ή με μαθητές του και όποια άλλη τυχόν εμπειρία μαθητείας ή επαφής υπήρξε μαζί του, ακόμα και από ακούσματα τρίτων που αναφέρθηκαν στη ζωή και στο έργο του Ν. Μαργιωρή.
Είθε το παρόν βήμα να γίνει ένα ακόμα χωνευτήρι όλων όσων γνώρισαν έμμεσα ή άμεσα τον Ν. Μαργιωρή και βοηθήθηκαν καθοιονδήποτε τρόπο από Εκείνον ή έχουν κάτι να καταθέσουν γι' αυτόν και το έργο του.
Σας ευχαριστούμε εκ των προτέρων για τη συμμετοχή σας και ευελπιστούμε η παρούσα σελίδα να αποτελέσει ένα βήμα για συνάντηση όλων όσων κοινώνησαν μαζί του και επιθυμούν να καταθέσουν την εμπειρία ή τη γνώμη τους ή απλά να ενημερωθούν για την ζωή και το έργο του.
Deposit us the opinions from the study of books of Nikolaos Margioris, from acquaintance that you had with him or with his students and that other by any chance experience of apprenticeship or contact existed with him, even from hearings third person that were reported in the life and in the work of N. Margioris.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήWe hope the present step becomes one still digester of all that they knew indirectly or immediately the N. Margioris and were helped with anyone way from That or have something to deposit for this and his work.
You we beforehand thank for your attendance and we hope the present page it constitutes a step for meeting of all that they came in contact with him and they wish they deposit the experience or their opinion or simply they are informed for the life and his work.