Παρασκευή 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2010



Nikolaos Margiori’s books that are translated into English or that are at the proceeding of the translation this moment that I am writing to you, are the following:
Dravidians, the Ancestors of the Greeks (translated, in a book) 7 Euro, Posthumous Life (only translated, not edition), Raja Yoga (only translated, not edition), Birth and Death of the Worlds and of the Beings (matter, antimatter, hypermatter, universe, antiuniverse, hyperuniverse) (under translation) and Kriya Yoga (under translation).
My own books (Ilias Katsiampa’s, student of Master N. Margioris) that relate directly with Margiori’s work, translated into English, are the following:


1)      From the Master’s Mouth to the student’s ear, with a thorough glossary of Sanskrit (philosophic dictionary, 400 words) for the students of Yoga, 1st edition 1995 (270 pages), dimension 24X17, ISBN: 960-85735-0-5. It exists in Greek in a book and in English in a form of soldered essay A4. I think that I have sent it to you. 15 Euro.
2)      Ioanni’s Apocalypse Explained by Master Nikolaos A. Margioris (A bilingual Greek-English edition, under the attendance and the extensive analytical annotations of his student, Ilias L. Katsiampas), 1st edition 1999, ISBN: 960-85735-1-3. I have sent it to you. 12 Euro.
3)      Manual – Guide for Staffs and Instructors of Master Nikolaos A. Margiori’s work. In a form or soldered essay (A4), 206 pages, 1st edition 2003. It exists in Greek and in English (206 pages). Only for the members of the Omakoios. 35 Euro.
4)      Prayer Book and Poems of Master Nikolaos A. Margioris. A bilingual Greek-English edition 2004. pages 199. 12 Euro.

At a form of Soldered Essays of size A4

5)      Feast of 10 years from the establishment of the Omakoio of Athens by Master N. A. Margioris. A bilingual uniform Greek-English edition 1999, the Greek pages being 34 and the English pages being 33. 10 Euro.
6)      Inauguration of the Omakoio of Lamia by Master N. A. Margioris. A bilingual uniform Greek-English edition of the 2000, the Greek pages being 36 and the English pages being 22. 10 Euro.
7)      Inauguration of the Omakoio of Trikala by Master N. A. Margioris. A bilingual uniform Greek-English edition of 1999, the Greek pages being 57 and the English pages being 38. I have sent it to you. 10 Euro.
8)      Spiritual Experiences of Master Nikolaos A. Margioris. Edition of Omakoios of Trikala and Thessaloniki (Bilingual Edition 2004 in Greek and in English), pages 127. 15.00 Euro.
9)      Collection Articles – Advisement & Interview of Ilias L. Katsiampas, Student of Master N. A. Margioris. Edition of Omakoios of Trikala & of Thessaloniki (Bilingual Edition in Greek and in English) Trikala – Greece October 2004, pages 175. 20 Euro.
10)  «New Omakoio». A bilingual Greek-English Metaphysical Magazine, Issue 1st, big size, 100 pages. For the first time in the present magazine the total of the writing work of Nikolaos A. Margioris is presented analytically (summaries and contents and for his 75 books), accompanied by an esoteric writing of articles. Price 4.70 Euro.

Books under edition of Ilias L. Katsiampas

10) Meditation and Mysticism, Raja and Koundalini Yoga (theory and act). Under edition.
11)  Asclepean Art and the Systems of the Esoteric Therapeutics. Under edition.
12)   A Full and most Analytical Dictionary – Guide of Metaphysical Meanings. Under edition.
13)  Modern scientific discoveries. Applies, dangers, latent plagues or wounds for the humanity. The Metaphysical Dimension-Point of View. Under edition.

For more elements, biographic notes, books, essays, activities of the Omakoios etc., look at our website, at the electronic address:
if you wish that we send you postal analytical informative forms about our activities and our books, please write your address to us.
All the books of Nikolaos A. Margioris, as well as of his student Ilias L. Katsiampas (Omakoios of Trikala and Thessaloniki, Greece) are sent by cash on delivery to all the world. The postal expense, according to the weight of the order and of the destination place charge the ordering person.

With fraternal salutations

Ilias Katsiampas
21 Kefallinias str., 42100 Trikala, Greece
Tel. and Fax 0030-24310 – 75505 or mobile: 0030-6974-580768

Note: The above prices of the books and of the essays can by any moment.

Deposit us the opinions from the study of books of Nikolaos Margioris, from acquaintance that you had with him or with his students and that other by any chance experience of apprenticeship or contact existed with him, even from hearings third person that were reported in the life and in the work of N. Margioris.
We hope the present step becomes one still digester of all that they knew indirectly or immediately the N. Margioris and were helped with anyone way from That or have something to deposit for this and his work.
You we beforehand thank for your attendance and we hope the present page it constitutes a step for meeting of all that they came in contact with him and they wish they deposit the experience or their opinion or simply they are informed for the life and his work. 

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Δημοσίευση σχολίου

Καταθέστε μας τις απόψεις από την μελέτη των βιβλίων του Νικολάου Μαργιωρή, από γνωριμία που είχατε μαζί του ή με μαθητές του και όποια άλλη τυχόν εμπειρία μαθητείας ή επαφής υπήρξε μαζί του, ακόμα και από ακούσματα τρίτων που αναφέρθηκαν στη ζωή και στο έργο του Ν. Μαργιωρή.
Είθε το παρόν βήμα να γίνει ένα ακόμα χωνευτήρι όλων όσων γνώρισαν έμμεσα ή άμεσα τον Ν. Μαργιωρή και βοηθήθηκαν καθοιονδήποτε τρόπο από Εκείνον ή έχουν κάτι να καταθέσουν γι' αυτόν και το έργο του.
Σας ευχαριστούμε εκ των προτέρων για τη συμμετοχή σας και ευελπιστούμε η παρούσα σελίδα να αποτελέσει ένα βήμα για συνάντηση όλων όσων κοινώνησαν μαζί του και επιθυμούν να καταθέσουν την εμπειρία ή τη γνώμη τους ή απλά να ενημερωθούν για την ζωή και το έργο του.